CCI's hours of contact are strictly between 10:00 am and 5:30 pm MST. We do not respond to texts, emails, or calls, outside those hours.
Cavy Care Inc Boarding is ONLY TAKING RESERVATIONS THROUGH THE WEB PAGE. CCI can not provide PDFs of our form. Forms must be completed on a PC or laptop. We apologize for the inconvenience, but that is the vendor we use. If you can not complete the form through our website, then we will not be able to assist you with your boarding.
The boarding form is a contractual agreement between the owner wishing to board and Cavy Care Inc., as such it is enforceable in a court of law as such a legal document and must be completed by a person 18 years or older and be the legal owner of the animal. Once you have completed the form online, you will receive a copy of the form, emailed to you as confirmation by our vendor for the form, then you will receive an email confirmation from Cavy Care Inc.
Cavy Care Inc. does not retain personal information from one boarding stay to another. We also do not retain your personal or credit card information.
If you have not stayed with us in the last 24 months, you will be considered a new client.
You will receive an email that states "welcome" to Cavy Care Inc., it will confirm your times of drop off, and pick up, your pet's information, and an estimate of the cost of your stay. If time permits, you will receive a pre-drop-off text reminder, and a text reminder on the day you are due to pick up your pet. This is done as a courtesy only and there may be times when, for whatever reason, you may not get that reminder. You are still obligated to drop off and pick up at the times you submitted. WE WILL VERIFY YOUR IDENTITY AT THE TIME OF DROP-OFF BY ASKING FOR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE. Your driver's license must match the name on the reservation unless you notified us in advance that someone else will be dropping off, we will ask for their information to identify them as your designated representative, and they will also have to produce an ID matching the information provided by the owner.
Pairs are never split up, especially males, but if they fight we will NOT HESITATE to split them up. Cavy Care Inc., will notify you of our observation and confirm with you that we are splitting the piggies up. In future boarding of those guinea pigs, we will require that they be housed separately and will change accordingly. Cavy Care Inc., will not allow any animal to suffer and be forced together just so that the owner can save money. Cavy Care Inc. is here first for the guinea pigs, and then the owners.
In order to tour our set-up, you must be fully vaccinated with proof of vaccination status. We offer unlimited virtual tours, but if you require a tour they are conducted for first-time boarders only, as requested in advance, and conducted on a separate day other than drop off date. Tours are conducted for the sole owners' peace of mind. Animals are only handled or interacted with by facility personnel ONLY, and we do not operate as a child's petting zoo. This has been a problem in the past and will no longer be tolerated. CCI personnel are the only ones allowed to touch and interact with the guinea pigs entrusted to our care, with no exceptions.
Cavy Care Inc. Works by appointment ONLY, there are charges for drop off/pick up outside hours of 10 am to 5:30 pm $25. This does not mean we are automatically available between those hours, only that we are available for appointments between those times, and if not scheduled we will be doing other things. CCI closes AT 5:30 pm, so scheduled pick-ups can be made up until 5:20 pm. There are after-hour fees.
There is a 3-day minimum charge for a stay. You can choose to stay 3 days or not, but we will charge for 3 days.
Cavy Care Inc Boarding charges $10 for late/no-show appointments. This is charged after 15 minutes, no call/no show, and after 30 minutes we will cancel the reservation. Cavy Care Inc. Boarding, may or may not be able to renew the same day/hour of the reservation depending on our waiting list.
Cavy Care Inc. Boarding, In lieu of a deposit to hold your reservations, we will not reschedule no-show appointments for boarding for six calendar months... this is because we do not charge a reservation fee.
Long-term boarding is any boarding stay that is longer than 30 days. There is NO DISCOUNT for long-term boarding. There is NO DISCOUNT for providing your own items. Long-term boarding will have to be paid in FULL at the time of drop-off. Early returns will be refunded the unused portion of their deposit.
There is no charge if you cancel your reservation even an hour before you drop off. BUT YOU MUST NOTIFY CAVY CARE INC AND RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION THAT CAVY CARE INC GOT YOUR cancellation. If you do not notify us, and then no show/no call, we will not be able to board for you again until after 6 months, because we do not charge a reservation fee. When in doubt, pick up the phone and call.
Texting CCI with schedule changes does not automatically make your changes ok with us. If you do not hear back from us, then we did not get your text. You can always pick up the phone... Texting last minute may or may not work, so be sure that you have received a text confirmation, or we can not guarantee we will be available when you wish to make changes.
Cavy Care Inc. does not take guinea pigs with any type of medical condition! This includes post-surgical procedures. ABSOLUTELY no exception. If your guinea pig is found to be ill at drop off or showing signs of illness, you will be sent home with your guinea pig. Your guinea pig must be 10 days clear of any apparent illness. NO EXCEPTIONS!! If your guinea pig becomes ill while in our care, they will be taken to your vet on record or our vet and will be left in their care and at your expense. If your vet is unable or does not want to provide care at their office, for your guinea pig until you return, we charge $50 per day for medical care from the date of diagnosis until the date of your return. You are responsible for all medical expenses.
Homestead Animal Hospital in Centennial does provide medical kenneling for guinea pigs.
As a licensed facility, we can not take your personal comfort items to be housed with your guinea pig while here. It is because we are licensed by the state, and it is a matter of sanitation/carrier of potentially harmful germs or microscopic organisms.
Cavy Care Inc., will not retain your carrier but ask that you take it with you for the same reasons as stated in the above statement when dropping off.
Photos must be requested by the owner, and we are very happy to provide them. We will happily provide a video and the first set of photos for free.
Payment is expected in full at the time of pickup. NO EXCEPTIONS. Cavy Care Inc. takes all major credit cards or cash. ABSOLUTELY NO CHECKS. All boarding costs are calculated and offered to you in your confirmation email before your stay so that cost surprises are to a minimum... This is only an estimate and will depend on changes made by the owner.
A deposit of half of the amount of the intended stay is due at the time of drop off if new or using our services for the first time.
Full payment is expected at the time of boarding if staying more than 30 days, no matter your status with Cavy Care Inc. Boarding. Otherwise, payment is expected in full at the time of pickup.
If your boarding stay is over $300, we will collect a half deposit at the time of drop off and the balance when you return.
Because at one-time Cavy Care Inc., was a shelter, (Closed on March 16th, 2019, and temporarily because of the Covid-19 pandemic), people in the past have felt that they can abandon their animals with impunity at our facility. It does not work that way. If you abandon your animal at our facility, we are required by our governing board to take those animals to the nearest shelter with availability to take those guinea pigs. Our facility and those facilities we may choose to take your guinea pig to may choose to take additional legal action against you for abandoning your animal. If after seven days from the date of the original date scheduled to pick up, the animal is still in our care, and you have made no attempt to contact us to make arrangements to reclaim your animal, that animal is considered abandoned. We will remove that animal to the nearest shelter to be surrendered and dealt with according to their policies, including but not limited to being split up or euthanized, or adopted into a new home and will be left to be handled according to their policies.
Cavy Care Inc. Boarding is a mandated reporter of abuse and is required by state law and as part of our licensing to report any instances where we suspect abuse, neglect, or abandonment so that the State of Colorado can take legal action against the owner.
Shannon Cauthen
Boarding Manager
4343 S. Jasper St. Aurora CO 80015
This site is copy written by Cavy Care Inc., a website built with the help of WIX